St. Andrew

  • Bells: 8: 19 cwt (966 kg) in E
  • Service Ringing: Usually 9.15-10.00am. Please contact to confirm
  • Grid: NY516302
  • Postcode: CA11 7YA
  • Practice: Tuesday Please contact to confirm start time


Contact: Helen Ruberry


Phone: 07538 587022

Address: CA11 7YA

Click here for What3Words coordinates:   ///cultivation.repeat.badly


On Tuesday evenings, after we have arrived, we need to keep the church doors locked for security reasons.  So, please get in contact beforehand, to confirm for the starting time, then try to arrive a few minutes before or after that.  We’ll also give you a number to text / call, in case you are delayed.  We usually enter via the door on the South Side of the church.
On Sunday mornings, please also call to confirm.  All the church doors should be open when you arrive.  The one at the bottom of the tower on the West side is easiest.
The tower is accessed via a spiral staircase.


Penrith is a busy town, particularly in school holidays, so spaces are not guaranteed near the Church, even in the evening.  However, spaces are often available at ringing times, which are free after 6pm and on Sunday mornings.  In case not, the largest car park, where you should easily find a space, is at Sainsbury’s supermarket (free for three hours), which is around 10-15 minutes walk from the church.


Toilets are available in the church at the bottom of the stairs and are usually kept locked (except Sunday mornings).  The disabled toilet can be opened by a “Radar” key; the bellringers have a key for both toilets.


Parish website: St Andrews Penrith




CA11 7YA